Therefore it is true to that equipment and not comparable across departments or plants. We are told 80% OEE is “global category”. Based in part on how OEE is calculated this may end up in bad choices like over producing. The goal is to continually improve as evidenced by a positive OEE pattern. Clearly, accessories and approaches are exotic to a given desktop, branch, or plant, and aren’t always directly similar. However, a leadership team that definitely is familiar with OEE could make knowledgeable comparisons between vegetation and departments adding the factors that comprise OEE itself Availability, Performance, Quality. This practice came tohaunt Baidu when China¶s state run CCTV community pronounced in November that some patients sought care from unlicensed pharmaceutical companies as a result of they appearedhigher on Baidu¶s search consequences. Baidu¶s inventory took a 25 percent hit in one day xiv and thecompany cut its fourth quarter earnings forecast by 15 %. Baidu immediately removed theunlicensed businesses from its outcomes and on March 29 th , 2009, it introduced it woulddrop paid seek rankings absolutely xv . Baidu¶s search problems don’t stop there. Some former Baidu customers claim the searchengine dropped their web websites when they stopped buying seek ads from Baidu xvi . Baiduhas denied those accusations, but a group of more than 50 businesses are making plans tolaunch a lawsuit towards Baidu for anti trust, fraud, and infringement violations xvii .